The Art of Italian Cooking and the Italian Art of Eating Pdf

The Italian Melt Book: The Art of Eating Well

Profile Image for Italo Italophiles.

524 reviews 28 followers

Edited August 20, 2014

The free e-volume cookbook is a back-to-basics, farmhouse-manner recipe volume that features all the classic recipes of the Italian cucina casalinga, Italian housewife cookery.

The Preface stresses that the Italian cuisine is "palatable, nourishing and economical". It also affirms that Italians are: ...amid whom the art of living well and getting the most out of life at a moderate expense has been attained to a very high degree. There is also an odd mention of the "first-class manhood and womanhood of Italia".

Without a Table of Contents, it is the hyper-linked Index at the back of the book that offers the best oversight of the simply-explained 221 recipes.

The organization of the recipes is at times haphazard. The measurements are most often given in weight, rather than cups, similar today's recipes. The instructions are minimal. But these things do not backbite from the overall breadth of the recipes. All the nuts of Italian cooking are here, for free!

Here is an unofficial Tabular array of Contents to give you an idea of the every-day Italian recipes in this book:
1. Soups
2. Pasta and Sauces
3. Rice Dishes
4. Artichokes
5. Misc. Egg and Craven Dishes
6. Fowl
7. Game
8. Sauces
9. Meat
10. Zucchini and other Vegetable Dishes
11. Fish and Eel
12. Roast Meats
xiii. Kidney and Other Parts
14. Onions, Celery & Stews
15. Trout
16. Eggs
17. Puddings
18. Cakes
19. Biscotti
twenty. Syrups & Preserves
21. Frozen Desserts

The Italian Cookbook was fist published by the Italian Book Co. New York in 1919.

The Italian Cookbook is in the public domain so it is offered for gratis, in diverse due east-book formats, from Project Gutenberg, the thou-daddy of free eastward-book websites.

The Italian Cookbook is also available from the Net Archive in various e-book formats, including a PDF of the scanned book.

Yous can also download a free Kindle version from

Please see my full and illustrated review at Italophile Volume Reviews

    September 26, 2019

    This is a "cookbook." Or more appropriately described as a "Cook'due south Book." This book was published 100 years agone. It is written like the writer believes the reader is well-versed in the kitchen and only requires an ingredients-list. it is not in any style instructional - it's a baseline for experienced kitchen workers that want to learn recipes like their grandmothers' used and administered by rote.

    Also, the recipes are on a scale to feed many, non a few - think feast style or "family-manner" for the most part. That being said, The original Fanny Farmer's Cookbook, circa 1896, may be instructional where this book needs some technique translation. Fanny's book is from the Boston Cooking School, so information technology covers details that are only "glossed-over" by Ms. Gentile.

    This book makes me want to melt or bake something.

      Profile Image for Julie Barrett.

      vi,835 reviews 129 followers

      December 7, 2019

      The Italian Cook Book The Art of Eating Well by Maria Gentile
      Starts with table of contents so preface.
      Recipes are non written out in normal format. Proper name of particular in English and then Italian, is included, summary of what is it in-no measurements and tells you lot what to do with the ingredients. How to cook them and use them.
      Different words and phrases are explained in particular.
      There are NO pictures and at that place is NO nutritional information.
      One soup says to select 3 or iv vegetables, shred or chop and put them over the fire with small amount of cooking oil. So add broth and cook til vegetables are very tender. Very vague.
      When you go to pastry and dessert surface area in that location are measured ingredients listed and how to make the dish.
      Includes an index at the end.

        1,648 reviews 51 followers

        April 11, 2018

        I am non a fan of the system/layout. The nutrient is also not too healthy

        August 11, 2020
          Profile Image for Ivonne Rovira.

          one,670 reviews 186 followers

          July 23, 2012

          Well-nigh cookbooks published in 1919 have not aged well. The recipes are either indecipherable (today'south recipes have much more precise measurements) or unpalatable co-ordinate to today's gustation (Suet pudding? Fried calf's brains? No thanks!) Maria Gentile'south The Italian Cook Book: The Art of Eating Well wears much improve. Certain, some of the recipes -- homemade tomato sauce -- won't appeal to decorated cooks who value time over pennies; other recipes -- liver and other organ meats -- won't appeal considering of changing tastes; lastly, some of the recipes rely on ingredients (eastward.g., hare, squab, quince) that aren't readily available in most cities. All the same, about of the recipes are as succulent equally they would have been a century agone when The Italian Cook Book: The Art of Eating Well was quite popular.

          The Italian Melt Book: The Fine art of Eating Well is not for a novice cook. Many of the ingredients are given differently than they would be in a modernistic bookstore (e.m., 7 ounces of flour rather than giving the measurement by cups or "add a piece of butter"), simply a seasoned cook will be able to adjust the recipe.

          As has been pointed out, The Italian Melt Volume: The Art of Eating Well is pretty much plagiarized from legendary cookbook writer Pellegrino Artusi'south The Art of Eating Well: An Italian Cookbook -- right down to the title! Still, Artusi's volume retails for well-nigh $200, and Gentile's book is free in the Kindle format. For most Americans, their sole admission to Artusi's genius will be through Gentile's cookbook. I hope that Artusi, who died in 1911, will exist forgiving.

          Profile Image for Saleris.

          334 reviews 43 followers

          April 22, 2012

          Interesting. Since there wasn't a chapter/recipe listing in the forepart, I don't think I could really utilize this like a traditional cookbook since I couldn't "search" recipes. Shame. Some of the recipes were interesting enough that I'd like to brand them, but since I don't have an idetic memory I'd probably get fed up or distrated before I found the i I wanted.

            books-i-own cookbooks italy
          Profile Image for Lawrence.

          332 reviews

          Desire to Read

          February 23, 2014
          Profile Image for Susan.

          Writer 94 books 65 followers

          Edited November 15, 2018

          A please to read. While the recipes are written in an onetime-Fashioned fashion, they are understandable and could be used with slight modifications. There are many skilful meal ideas here.


          Displaying 1 - nine of 9 reviews


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