How Do You Tell if Somebody Is Reading Your Texts and Listening to You

People have honey/hate relationships with messaging Read Receipts. If yous're not familiar with them, they're those footling alerts below letters that indicate that they have been seen or read by the other party.

When Read Receipt is turned on, people will be notified when you lot read the messages they've sent you. Vice versa, if information technology'southward turned on on their side, you will be notified when they read your text.

It depends on how yous look at them.

Some people similar these notifications considering they give a sense of an immediate and urgent connection with others. Others hate them considering they seem intrusive.

The common denominator is that Read Receipts force people to reply back every bit soon as possible and it depends if yous see this as a practiced or bad thing.

Either manner, information technology definitely has its worthwhile uses for keeping virtual conversations flowing. Parents can even use Read Receipts to go along tabs on their kids and have that balls that each message sent is seen and, hopefully, replied to.

Tip within a Tip: Worried that your kids accept underground online accounts? Click here to larn how to protect them.

Hither are ways to turn on (or off) Read Receipts so you lot know if your text letters are being seen on iMessage, Android, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.

iOS iMessage for iPhones, Macs and iPads

Apple gadget users are most likely familiar with iMessage, the default text messaging app for iPhones. Read Receipts have always been a feature for iMessage to iMessage text letters (signified by the text bubble's blue color) and it lets a sender know if a text bulletin has been read.

(Here'south a fun fact: Green text bubbles in iMessage mean they were sent from non-iPhones and these do not support Read Receipts.)

To turn Read Receipts on or off for all your text letters (significant senders won't exist notified when yous read their iMessages, head over to Settings >> Letters then toggle "Send Read Receipts" to On or Off.

Starting with iOS 10, they can also be enabled or disabled depending on the contact yous're receiving the text message from.

To enable Read Receipts for a particular sender, launch your Messages app and then open up an iMessage thread with the desired contact. Now, tap the little "i" icon in the elevation-right corner of the thread and so toggle "Send Read Receipts" to On or Off.

Tip inside a Tip: Do you want to salve your iPhone text messages instead? Click hither to acquire how.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger has Read Receipts turned on by default and at that place is currently no way of turning it off within the app. This means you lot and your friends will always know if a message has been seen.

Co-ordinate to Facebook'south Help Center, hither are the Messenger icons and what they hateful:

  • A blue circle ways that your bulletin is sending

  • A blue circle with a check ways that your message has been sent

  • A filled-in bluish circle with a bank check means that your message has been delivered

  • A modest version of your friend or contact'due south photo volition pop upward below the message when they've read it

Keep in mind that there are a few workarounds to sneakily read Facebook Messenger messages without triggering the Read Receipt.

One is via the same Airplane Manner trick. With this method, a recipient tin simply turn off a gadget'southward Wi-Fi and cellular connection, read all received messages then force quit the Messenger app.

iPhone users can also try this flim-flam to read Messenger messages without activating the Read Receipt. This can be accomplished by reading incoming letters via Notifications on the Lock Screen or the Notification Middle instead.

Turn this on past going to your iPhone'due south Settings >> Notifications >> select Messenger and then make sure "Let Notifications" is on. Adjacent, set up the Alert Style to either Banners or Alerts. To read Facebook Messenger notifications, ready your app'southward notification alert style to either Banners or Alerts. To read Messenger messages on the Lock Screen, toggle "Bear witness on Lock Screen" to On.


Facebook's other messaging holding WhatsApp likewise has Read Receipt notifications. Unlike Facebook Messenger though, this setting can be turned off.

WhatsApp uses check marks for Read Receipts.

  • One gray check mark means your message was successfully sent.
  • Two gray check marks mean your bulletin was successfully delivered to the recipient's phone.
  • Two blue check marks mean the recipient has read your message (printing and hold on the message to reveal the fourth dimension it was read).

To turn off WhatsApp Read Receipts, on the app go to Settings >> Account >> Privacy then uncheck "Read Receipts." Be brash that this won't turn off Read Receipts for your WhatsApp Group Chats nor Play Receipts for WhatsApp vocalisation letters.

Note: The Airplane Style play a trick on besides works for WhatsApp Read Receipts.

Bonus: Android Messages Delivery Reports

Currently, Android users don't accept an iOS iMessage Read Receipt equivalent unless they download tertiary-party messaging apps like the ones I mentioned above, Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp.

The virtually an Android user tin do is to turn on Commitment Reports on the Android Letters app. All this setting does is notify a text message sender whenever a text was successfully delivered (but can't tell if a message was read or not).

To turn Delivery Reports on Android, go to your Message app, tap the Menu icon (the three vertical dots), select Settings >> Text Messages then toggle Delivery Reports On or Off.

Tip inside a tip: At that place'due south another Android characteristic that you need to know about and it tin assist y'all in an emergency. Click hither to learn more.

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